
Total Articles Found: 3

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  • DARPA Is Developing an Open-Source Voting System
  • Smartphone Election in Washington State
  • Security Vulnerability of Switzerland’s E-Voting System

Security Vulnerability of Switzerland’s E-Voting System

Published: 2023-10-17 11:11:43

Popularity: 46

Author: Bruce Schneier


  • Uncategorized
  • blockchain
  • cybersecurity
  • malware
  • Switzerland
  • voting
  • Online voting is insecure, period. This doesn’t stop organizations and governments from using it. (And for low-stakes elections, it’s probably fine.) Switzerland—not low stakes—uses online voting for national elections. Andrew Appel explains why it’s a bad idea: Last year, I published a 5-part series about Switzerland’s e-voting system. Like any internet voting system, it has inherent security vulnerabilities: if there are malicious insiders, they can corrupt the vote count; and if thousands of voters’ computers are hacked by malware, the malware can change votes as they are transmitted. Switzerland “solves” the problem of malicious insiders in their printing office by officially declaring that they won’t consider that threat model in their cybersecurity assessment...


    Smartphone Election in Washington State

    Published: 2020-01-27 12:03:15

    Popularity: 208

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • auditing
  • authentication
  • smartphones
  • voting
  • LLM Says: "Voting app fail"

    This year: King County voters will be able to use their name and birthdate to log in to a Web portal through the Internet browser on their phones, says Bryan Finney, the CEO of Democracy Live, the Seattle-based voting company providing the technology. Once voters have completed their ballots, they must verify their submissions and then submit a signature on...


    DARPA Is Developing an Open-Source Voting System

    Published: 2019-03-14 18:20:34

    Popularity: 248

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • hardware
  • open source
  • voting
  • LLM Says: "Election hack proof?"

    This sounds like a good development: ...a new $10 million contract the Defense Department's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched to design and build a secure voting system that it hopes will be impervious to hacking. The first-of-its-kind system will be designed by an Oregon-based firm called Galois, a longtime government contractor with experience in designing secure and...

