
Total Articles Found: 7

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Top Articles:

  • Android users: watch out for this fake address bar trick
  • A bevy of new features makes iOS 14 the most secure mobile OS ever
  • Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone
  • FBI asks Apple to help it unlock iPhones of naval base shooter
  • Hackers can force iOS and macOS browsers to divulge passwords and much more
  • Connecting to malicious Wi-Fi networks can mess with your iPhone
  • Apple’s search for child abuse imagery raises serious privacy questions

Hackers can force iOS and macOS browsers to divulge passwords and much more

Published: 2023-10-25 17:00:39

Popularity: 157

Author: Dan Goodin


  • Biz & IT
  • Security
  • Uncategorized
  • apple
  • iOS
  • MacOS
  • Safari
  • side channels
  • iLeakage is practical and requires minimal resources. A patch isn't (yet) available.


    Apple’s search for child abuse imagery raises serious privacy questions

    Published: 2021-08-06 21:10:54

    Popularity: 7

    Author: Thomas Reed


  • Malwarebytes news
  • Apple
  • CSAM
  • icloud
  • iOS
  • iPadOS
  • iPhone
  • iMessage content, and photos sent to iCloud are going to be monitored for child sexual abuse material. Is it a great move, or a dangerous slide away from privacy? Categories: Malwarebytes news Tags: AppleCSAMicloudiOSiPadOSiPhone (Read more...) The post Apple’s search for child abuse imagery raises serious privacy questions appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.


    Connecting to malicious Wi-Fi networks can mess with your iPhone

    Published: 2021-06-21 21:02:23

    Popularity: 37

    Author: Dan Goodin


  • Biz & IT
  • Tech
  • apple
  • bugs
  • iOS
  • Operating systems
  • wi-fi
  • WiFi
  • The world's most secure consumer OS is bitten by a garden-variety programming bug.


    A bevy of new features makes iOS 14 the most secure mobile OS ever

    Published: 2020-09-18 11:48:26

    Popularity: 265

    Author: Dan Goodin


  • Biz & IT
  • Policy
  • iOS
  • iphone
  • privacy
  • Behold: The useful and not-so-useful privacy features you've been waiting for.


    FBI asks Apple to help it unlock iPhones of naval base shooter

    This could signal a renewed war between Apple and law enforcement over breaking encryption.


    Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone

    Published: 2019-06-28 11:35:40

    Popularity: 214

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • Apple
  • cell phones
  • hacking
  • iOS
  • iPhone
  • law enforcement
  • locks
  • LLM Says: ""Cracked Wide Open""

    The digital forensics company Cellebrite now claims it can unlock any iPhone. I dithered before blogging this, not wanting to give the company more publicity. But I decided that everyone who wants to know already knows, and that Apple already knows. It's all of us that need to know....


    Android users: watch out for this fake address bar trick

    Published: 2019-04-30 14:38:05

    Popularity: 1221

    Author: Danny Bradbury


  • Android
  • Google
  • iOS
  • Mobile
  • Operating Systems
  • Organisations
  • Phishing
  • Security threats
  • Technologies
  • chrome
  • css
  • Fake URL
  • phishing
  • When is an address bar not an address bar? When it's a fake.

