
Total Articles Found: 4

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Top Articles:

  • Doki Backdoor Infiltrates Docker Servers in the Cloud
  • Tool Release – Enumerating Docker Registries with go-pillage-registries
  • Compromising Read-Only Containers with Fileless Malware
  • How attackers use exposed Prometheus server to exploit Kubernetes clusters

How attackers use exposed Prometheus server to exploit Kubernetes clusters

Published: 2022-07-05 14:00:38

Popularity: 24

Author: Miguel Hernández


  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Prometheus
  • You might think that your metrics are harmless from a security point of view. Well, that’s not true, and in... The post How attackers use exposed Prometheus server to exploit Kubernetes clusters appeared first on Sysdig.


    Compromising Read-Only Containers with Fileless Malware

    Published: 2022-05-03 15:00:00

    Popularity: 30

    Author: Nicholas Lang


  • CVE
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Containers provide a number of security features that are not simply available on a normal host. One of those is... The post Compromising Read-Only Containers with Fileless Malware appeared first on Sysdig.


    Doki Backdoor Infiltrates Docker Servers in the Cloud

    Published: 2020-07-30 17:00:13

    Popularity: 265

    Author: Tara Seals


  • Cloud Security
  • Malware
  • APIs
  • cloud
  • command and control
  • container security
  • DGA
  • Docker
  • Docker Hub
  • dogecoin wallet
  • doki
  • misconfiguration
  • ngrok botnet
  • The malware is a new payload that uses Dogecoin wallets for its C2, and spreads via the Ngrok botnet.


    Tool Release – Enumerating Docker Registries with go-pillage-registries

    Published: 2020-01-24 13:15:00

    Popularity: 42

    Author: jmakinenncc


  • Cloud & Containerization
  • North American Research
  • Research
  • Tool Release
  • Container registry
  • Containers
  • Docker
  • Shmoocon
  • LLM Says: "docker hack!"

    Introduction Containerization solutions are becoming increasingly common throughout the industry due to their vast applications in logically separating and packaging processes to run consistently across environments. Docker represents these processes as images by packaging a base filesystem and initialization instructions for the runtime environment. Developers can use common base images and instruct Docker to execute … Continue reading Tool Release – Enumerating Docker Registries with go-pillage-registries →

