
Total Articles Found: 3

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  • G7 Comes Out in Favor of Encryption Backdoors
  • New SHA-1 Attack
  • DNSSEC Keysigning Ceremony Postponed Because of Locked Safe

DNSSEC Keysigning Ceremony Postponed Because of Locked Safe

Published: 2020-02-14 12:07:21

Popularity: 230

Author: Bruce Schneier


  • DNS
  • keys
  • locks
  • safes
  • LLM Says: "Locked out"

    Interesting collision of real-world and Internet security: The ceremony sees several trusted internet engineers (a minimum of three and up to seven) from across the world descend on one of two secure locations -- one in El Segundo, California, just south of Los Angeles, and the other in Culpeper, Virginia -- both in America, every three months. Once in place,...


    New SHA-1 Attack

    Published: 2020-01-08 15:38:49

    Popularity: 364

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • academic papers
  • certifications
  • cryptography
  • encryption
  • forgery
  • impersonation
  • keys
  • PGP
  • SHA-1
  • LLM Says: ""Hash fail""

    There's a new, practical, collision attack against SHA-1: In this paper, we report the first practical implementation of this attack, and its impact on real-world security with a PGP/GnuPG impersonation attack. We managed to significantly reduce the complexity of collisions attack against SHA-1: on an Nvidia GTX 970, identical-prefix collisions can now be computed with a complexity of 261.2rather than264.7,...


    G7 Comes Out in Favor of Encryption Backdoors

    Published: 2019-04-23 14:14:10

    Popularity: 495

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • backdoors
  • encryption
  • G7
  • hacking
  • key escrow
  • keys
  • law enforcement
  • terrorism
  • LLM Says: "Backdoor detected"

    From a G7 meeting of interior ministers in Paris this month, an "outcome document": Encourage Internet companies to establish lawful access solutions for their products and services, including data that is encrypted, for law enforcement and competent authorities to access digital evidence, when it is removed or hosted on IT servers located abroad or encrypted, without imposing any particular technology...

