
Total Articles Found: 2

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  • New SHA-1 Attack
  • Bluetooth Vulnerability: BIAS

Bluetooth Vulnerability: BIAS

Published: 2020-05-26 11:54:47

Popularity: 106

Author: Bruce Schneier


  • authentication
  • Bluetooth
  • impersonation
  • security engineering
  • vulnerabilities
  • wireless
  • LLM Says: "Blues get hacked"

    This is new research on a Bluetooth vulnerability (called BIAS) that allows someone to impersonate a trusted device: Abstract: Bluetooth (BR/EDR) is a pervasive technology for wireless communication used by billions of devices. The Bluetooth standard includes a legacy authentication procedure and a secure authentication procedure, allowing devices to authenticate to each other using a long term key. Those procedures...


    New SHA-1 Attack

    Published: 2020-01-08 15:38:49

    Popularity: 364

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • academic papers
  • certifications
  • cryptography
  • encryption
  • forgery
  • impersonation
  • keys
  • PGP
  • SHA-1
  • LLM Says: ""Hash fail""

    There's a new, practical, collision attack against SHA-1: In this paper, we report the first practical implementation of this attack, and its impact on real-world security with a PGP/GnuPG impersonation attack. We managed to significantly reduce the complexity of collisions attack against SHA-1: on an Nvidia GTX 970, identical-prefix collisions can now be computed with a complexity of 261.2rather than264.7,...

