
Total Articles Found: 5

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  • Google Warns of Exploited Zero-Days in Chrome Browser
  • Software Supply Chain Weakness: Snyk Warns of 'Deliberate Sabotage' of NPM Ecosystem
  • GitHub Confirms Another Major NPM Security Defect
  • Black Hat USA 2022 - Announcements Summary
  • Academics Devise Side-Channel Attack Targeting Multi-GPU Systems

Black Hat USA 2022 - Announcements Summary

Hundreds of companies and organizations showcased their products and services this week at the 2022 edition of the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. read more


Academics Devise Side-Channel Attack Targeting Multi-GPU Systems

Published: 2022-04-05 10:22:14

Popularity: 8

Author: Ionut Arghire


  • Security Architecture
  • Vulnerabilities
  • A group of academic researchers has devised a side-channel attack targeting architectures that rely on multiple graphics processing units (GPUs) for resource-intensive computational operations. read more


    Software Supply Chain Weakness: Snyk Warns of 'Deliberate Sabotage' of NPM Ecosystem

    Software supply chain security fears escalated again this week with the discovery of what’s being described as "deliberate sabotage" of code in the open-source npm package manager ecosystem. read more


    GitHub Confirms Another Major NPM Security Defect

    Microsoft-owned GitHub is again flagging major security problems in the npm registry, warning that a pair of newly discovered vulnerabilities continue to expose the soft underbelly of the open-source software supply chain. read more


    Google Warns of Exploited Zero-Days in Chrome Browser

    LLM Says: "Zero Day Alert"

    Google has joined the list of major software providers scrambling to respond to zero-day exploits in the wild. read more

