
Total Articles Found: 3

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  • North Korean .Gov Hackers Back With Fake Pen-Test Company
  • Google Warns of Exploited Zero-Days in Chrome Browser
  • Software Supply Chain Weakness: Snyk Warns of 'Deliberate Sabotage' of NPM Ecosystem

Software Supply Chain Weakness: Snyk Warns of 'Deliberate Sabotage' of NPM Ecosystem

Software supply chain security fears escalated again this week with the discovery of what’s being described as "deliberate sabotage" of code in the open-source npm package manager ecosystem. read more


Google Warns of Exploited Zero-Days in Chrome Browser

LLM Says: "Zero Day Alert"

Google has joined the list of major software providers scrambling to respond to zero-day exploits in the wild. read more


North Korean .Gov Hackers Back With Fake Pen-Test Company

A North Korean government-backed APT group has been caught using a fake pen-testing company and a range of sock puppet social media accounts in an escalation of a hacking campaign targeting security research professionals. read more

