
Total Articles Found: 2

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  • Amazon Admits Alexa Voice Recordings Saved Indefinitely
  • DoorDash Data Breach Impacts Personal Data of Almost 5M Users

DoorDash Data Breach Impacts Personal Data of Almost 5M Users

Published: 2019-09-26 21:34:14

Popularity: 436

Author: Lindsey O'Donnell


  • Breach
  • Hacks
  • data breach
  • Data Privacy
  • Data security
  • doordash
  • personal information
  • Security
  • third party provider
  • Accessed information includes delivery addresses, license numbers, names, phone numbers and more.


    Amazon Admits Alexa Voice Recordings Saved Indefinitely

    Published: 2019-07-03 14:40:59

    Popularity: 1920

    Author: Lindsey O'Donnell


  • IoT
  • Privacy
  • Alexa
  • amazon
  • amazon Alexa privacy
  • amazon data privacy
  • apple HomePod
  • Data Privacy
  • google
  • google home
  • voice assistant devices
  • Amazon's acknowledgment that it saves Alexa voice recordings - even sometimes after consumers manually delete their interaction history - has thrust voice assistant privacy policies into the spotlight once again.

