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  • Here we go again: US govt tells Facebook to kill end-to-end encryption for the sake of the children
  • Bad news: Windows security cert SNAFU exploits are all over the web now. Also bad: Citrix gateway hole mitigations don't work for older kit
  • Digicert will shovel some 50,000 EV HTTPS certificates into the furnace this Saturday after audit bungle
  • Time to check who left their database open and leaked 7.5m customer records: Hi there, Adobe Creative Cloud!
  • Iran is doing to our networks what it did to our spy drone, claims Uncle Sam: Now they're bombing our hard drives
  • Dear hackers: If you try to pwn a website for phishing, make sure it's not the personal domain of a senior Akamai security researcher
  • Germany mulls giving end-to-end chat app encryption das boot: Law requiring decrypted plain-text is in the works
  • US border cops confirm: Maker of America's license-plate, driver recognition tech hacked, camera images swiped
  • We are shocked to learn oppressive authoritarian surveillance state China injects spyware into foreigners' smartphones
  • China fires up 'Great Cannon' denial-of-service blaster, points it toward Hong Kong

And you thought Fuzzilli was a pasta... Google offers up $50k in cloud credits to fuzz the hell out of JavaScript engines

Published: 2020-10-02 22:50:38

Popularity: 58

Author: Shaun Nichols

And don't forget the paperwork after, says Chocolate Factory Google is offering bug hunters thousands of dollars worth of compute time on its cloud to hammer away at JavaScript engines and uncover new security flaws in the software.…


IT guy whose job was to stop ex-staff running amok on the network is jailed for running amok on the network

Published: 2020-09-25 23:22:42

Popularity: 97

Author: Shaun Nichols

After he was demoted and fired, idiot logged into office PC from home and wiped storage systems An IT guy, who was tasked with locking out ex-employees from the company network, has been jailed after he logged in after being fired and wiped an office's computer storage drives.…


Error-bnb: Techies scramble to fix Airbnb website bug that let strangers read each others' account messages

Published: 2020-09-26 00:06:57

Popularity: 104

Author: Shaun Nichols

LLM Says: ""oops, private""

One thing to let people rent your home, quite another to let them access your private comms Airbnb says it has fixed a baffling bug in its website that briefly caused some of its users to be shown messages belonging to others when viewing their account inboxes.…


Good: US boasts it collared two in Chinese hacking bust. Bad: They aren't the actual hackers, rest are safe in China

Published: 2020-09-16 19:41:19

Popularity: 60

Author: Shaun Nichols

Ugly: And it's all about video game robberies at this stage Two people have been arrested in Malaysia as part of America's crackdown on the Chinese government's hackers.…


Woman dies after hospital is unable to treat her during crippling ransomware infection, cops launch probe

Published: 2020-09-18 05:55:07

Popularity: 347

Author: Shaun Nichols

Extortionware is bad but it never killed anyo... never mind A woman in Germany died after a ransomware infection prevented her hospital from giving her emergency treatment.…


Dunkin' Donuts drops some dough to glaze over lawsuit accusing it of covering up customer account hacks

Published: 2020-09-15 21:33:24

Popularity: 81

Author: Shaun Nichols

No way to sugarcoat this: New York AG eclairs the 2015 data theft matter settled Dunkin' Donuts today settled a lawsuit in which it was accused of hushing up the fact hackers siphoned its customers' personal information from its systems in 2015.…


Worried about bootkits, rootkits, UEFI nasties? Have you tried turning on Secure Boot, asks the No Sh*! Agency

Published: 2020-09-16 00:40:36

Popularity: 116

Author: Shaun Nichols

And have you tried simply asking hackers to not hack? The NSA has published online a guide for IT admins to keep systems free of bootkits and rootkits.…


Digicert will shovel some 50,000 EV HTTPS certificates into the furnace this Saturday after audit bungle

Published: 2020-07-10 00:29:01

Popularity: 557

Author: Shaun Nichols

You've got less than 42 hours to regenerate your certs Digicert says, come Saturday, July 11, it will revoke tens of thousands of encryption certificates issued by intermediaries that were not properly audited.…


Talk about the fox guarding the hen house. Comcast to handle DNS-over-HTTPS for Firefox-using subscribers

Published: 2020-06-26 01:07:13

Popularity: 171

Author: Shaun Nichols

Last November: These ISPs know too much! June: God bless the ISPs Comcast has agreed to be the first home broadband internet provider to handle secure DNS-over-HTTPS queries for Firefox browser users in the US, Mozilla has announced.…


Update Firefox: Mozilla just patched three hijack-me holes and a bunch of other flaws

Published: 2020-06-04 02:28:12

Popularity: 112

Author: Shaun Nichols

Plus: Zoom fixes code-execution security bugs Mozilla has emitted security updates for Firefox to address eight CVE-listed security flaws, five of them considered to be high-risk vulnerabilities.…


DNS this week stands for Drowning Needed Services: Design flaw in name server system can be exploited to flood machines offline

Published: 2020-05-21 10:52:04

Popularity: 78

Author: Shaun Nichols

Microsoft, BIND, Google, Cloudflare, Amazon, others fix up software or offer workarounds A new vulnerability has been found in the design of the world's domain-name system that potentially can be exploited to flood websites off the internet.…


Attack of the clones: If you were relying on older Xilinx FPGAs to keep your product's hardware code encrypted and secret, here's some bad news

Published: 2020-04-22 11:25:09

Popularity: 70

Author: Shaun Nichols

Decrypted configuration bitstream can be siphoned from chips via side-channel flaw A newly disclosed vulnerability in older Xilinx FPGAs can be exploited to simplify the process of extracting and decrypting the encrypted bitstreams used to configure the chips.…


GCC 10 gets security bug trap. And look what just fell into it: OpenSSL and a prod-of-death flaw in servers and apps

Published: 2020-04-23 10:06:12

Popularity: 110

Author: Shaun Nichols

Static analyzer proves its worth with discovery of null-pointer error A static analysis feature set to appear in GCC 10, which will catch common programming errors that can lead to security vulnerabilities, has scored an early win – it snared an exploitable flaw in OpenSSL.…


NSO Group: Facebook tried to license our spyware to snoop on its own addicts – the same spyware it's suing us over

Published: 2020-04-03 21:37:31

Popularity: 197

Author: Shaun Nichols

Antisocial network sought surveillance tech to boost its creepy Onavo Protect app, it is claimed NSO Group – sued by Facebook for developing Pegasus spyware that targeted WhatsApp users – this week claimed Facebook tried to license the very same surveillance software to snoop on its own social-media addicts.…


It has been 15 years, and we're still reporting homograph attacks – web domains that stealthily use non-Latin characters to appear legit

Published: 2020-03-04 14:00:14

Popularity: 136

Author: Shaun Nichols

More than a dozen dodgy websites spotted masquerading as the real deal, HTTPS certs and all What's old is new again as infosec bods are sounding the alarm over a fresh wave of homoglyph characters being used to lure victims to malicious fake websites.…


Download this update from Oh, sorry, that was malware on a hijacked sub-domain. Oops

Published: 2020-03-04 19:04:06

Popularity: 243

Author: Shaun Nichols

Lax DNS leaves door wide open for miscreants to impersonate Windows giant on its own websites If you saw a link to, would you have trusted it? Downloaded and installed an Edge update from it? How about to change your password?…


Remember those infosec fellas who were cuffed while testing the physical security of a courthouse? The burglary charges have been dropped

Published: 2020-01-31 20:39:31

Popularity: 116

Author: Shaun Nichols

And it only took, er, four and a half months for people to see sense Criminal charges have been dropped against two infosec professionals who were arrested during a sanctioned physical penetration test gone wrong.…


WTF, EFS? Experts warn Windows encryption could spawn nasty new ransomware

Published: 2020-01-21 14:00:12

Popularity: 158

Author: Shaun Nichols

Redmond's own security tools could be abused by hard-to-block file-scrambling software nasties The encryption technology Microsoft uses to protect Windows file systems can be exploited by ransomware.…


Updated your WordPress plugins lately? Here are 320,000 auth-bypassing reasons why you should

Published: 2020-01-15 00:15:55

Popularity: 233

Author: Shaun Nichols

Another day, another critical set of flaws A pair of widely used WordPress plugins need to be patched on more than 320,000 websites to close down vulnerabilities that can be exploited to gain admin control of the web publishing software.…


Yo, sysadmins! Thought Patch Tuesday was big? Oracle says 'hold my Java' with huge 334 security flaw fix bundle

Published: 2020-01-15 21:33:00

Popularity: 103

Author: Shaun Nichols

House of Larry delivers massive update for 93 products Oracle has released a sweeping set of security patches across the breadth of its software line.…


Bad news: Windows security cert SNAFU exploits are all over the web now. Also bad: Citrix gateway hole mitigations don't work for older kit

Published: 2020-01-16 23:13:09

Popularity: 587

Author: Shaun Nichols

Good news: There is none. Well, apart from you can at least fully patch the Microsoft blunder Vid  Easy-to-use exploits have emerged online for two high-profile security vulnerabilities, namely the Windows certificate spoofing bug and the Citrix VPN gateway hole. If you haven't taken mitigation steps by now, you're about to have a bad time.…


'Friendly' hackers are seemingly fixing the Citrix server hole – and leaving a nasty present behind

Published: 2020-01-17 19:49:15

Popularity: 44

Author: Shaun Nichols

LLM Says: "Nasty surprise"

Congratulations, you've won a secret backdoor Hackers exploiting the high-profile Citrix CVE-2019-19781 flaw to compromise VPN gateways are now patching the servers to keep others out.…


New year, new critical Cisco patches to install – this time for a dirty dozen of bugs that can be exploited to sidestep auth, inject commands, etc

Published: 2020-01-03 20:10:45

Popularity: 95

Author: Shaun Nichols

Data Center Network Manager bugapalooza with three must-fix flaws Cisco is kicking off 2020 with the release of a crop of patches for its Data Center Network Manager.…


It's time you were T0RTT a lesson: Here's how you could build a better Tor, say boffins

Published: 2019-12-12 11:16:04

Popularity: 72

Author: Shaun Nichols

Uni brains pitch smart math for speeding up establishment of circuits in anonymizing onion network Academics in Germany say they've found a way to make Tor and similar onion networks more efficient and lower their latency.…


It's the end of the 20-teens, and your Windows PC can still be pwned by nothing more than a simple bad font

Published: 2019-12-10 22:33:00

Popularity: 110

Author: Shaun Nichols

End 2019 with a Patch Tuesday from Microsoft, Adobe, SAP and Intel With the year winding to a close and the holiday parties set to kick off, admins will want to check out the December Patch Tuesday load from Microsoft, Adobe, Intel, and SAP and get them installed before downing the first of many egg nogs.…


Tricky VPN-busting bug lurks in iOS, Android, Linux distros, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, say university eggheads

Published: 2019-12-06 05:01:06

Popularity: 108

Author: Shaun Nichols

OpenVPN, WireGuard, IKEv2/IPSec also vulnerable to tampering flaw, we're told A bug in the way Unix-flavored systems handle TCP connections could put VPN users at risk of having their encrypted traffic hijacked, it is claimed.…


China fires up 'Great Cannon' denial-of-service blaster, points it toward Hong Kong

Published: 2019-12-06 20:07:05

Popularity: 362

Author: Shaun Nichols

Protest organizers come under fire from network traffic barrage China is reportedly using the 'cannon' capabilities of its massive domestic internet to try and take down anti-government websites in Hong Kong.…


Time to check who left their database open and leaked 7.5m customer records: Hi there, Adobe Creative Cloud!

Published: 2019-10-25 19:13:17

Popularity: 550

Author: Shaun Nichols

No passwords, banking details, but enough info to convincingly phish someone Adobe has pulled offline a public-facing poorly secured Elasticsearch database containing information on 7.5 million Creative Cloud customers.…


Row erupts over who to blame after NordVPN says: One of our servers was hacked via remote management tool

Published: 2019-10-21 21:44:15

Popularity: 202

Author: Shaun Nichols

Netizens' traffic flowing out of box could have been sniffed by miscreants Analysis  NordVPN spent today attempting to downplay a security breach in which someone sneaked into one of its servers for purposes unknown.…


Here we go again: US govt tells Facebook to kill end-to-end encryption for the sake of the children

Published: 2019-10-04 19:15:52

Popularity: 728

Author: Shaun Nichols

Uncle Sam calls on tech giants to open up platforms for government snooping The US government is renewing its efforts to talk tech firms out of using end-to-end encryption methods that would keep police from snooping on conversations.…


Google sounds the alarm over Android flaw being exploited in the wild, possibly by NSO

Published: 2019-10-04 21:07:50

Popularity: 184

Author: Shaun Nichols

Pixel, S-Series, Moto Z3 among vulnerable gear Google is warning owners of some popular Android devices to keep a close eye on their gear following the release of an exploit for an unpatched flaw.…


How much pass could LastPass pass if LastPass passed last pass? Login-leaking security hole fixed

Published: 2019-09-16 19:36:04

Popularity: 187

Author: Shaun Nichols

Update now to stop webpages snooping on recently used credentials LastPass has fixed a security bug that potentially allowed malicious websites to obtain the username and passphrase inserted by the password manager on the previously visited site.…


Exim marks the spot… of remote code execution: Patch due out today for 'give me root' flaw in mail server

Published: 2019-09-06 10:00:13

Popularity: 65

Author: Shaun Nichols

Install incoming update to avoid having your boxes hijacked The widely used Exim email server software is due to be patched today to close a critical security flaw that can be exploited to potentially gain root-level access to the machine.…


Breaking news: Apple un-breaks break on jailbreak break

Published: 2019-08-26 23:38:29

Popularity: 91

Author: Shaun Nichols

The fix for the fix is in Apple has issued an update to address a potentially serious security flaw it re-opened in the latest version of iOS.…


JACK OF ALL TIRADES: Twitter boss loses account to cunning foul-mouthed pranksters

Published: 2019-08-31 10:01:07

Popularity: 46

Author: Shaun Nichols

Plus a Cisco bug, dentists bitten by malware, and France takes down a worm Roundup  This week ended with a bang, thanks to some Twitter hackers.…


Dear hackers: If you try to pwn a website for phishing, make sure it's not the personal domain of a senior Akamai security researcher

Published: 2019-07-29 12:00:09

Popularity: 532

Author: Shaun Nichols

Crooks fail to hijack infosec bloke's site to dress it up as a legit Euro bank login page Exclusive  Think you have bad luck? Imagine being the script kiddie who inadvertently tried and failed to pwn an Akamai security pro.…


It's 2019 and you can still pwn an iPhone with a website: Apple patches up iOS, Mac bugs in July security hole dump

Published: 2019-07-23 01:52:06

Popularity: 173

Author: Shaun Nichols

LLM Says: "Pwned again"

20 WebKit flaws among latest batch of bug fixes On Monday Apple released a fresh round of security fixes for a load of its operating systems and applications.…


Patch now before you get your NAS kicked: Iomega storage boxes leave millions of files open to the internet

Published: 2019-07-16 13:00:13

Popularity: 229

Author: Shaun Nichols

API blunder exposes data, fix incoming from Lenovo Lenovo is emitting an emergency firmware patch for Iomega NAS devices after the network-attached storage boxes were discovered inadvertently offering millions of files to the internet via an insecure software interface.…


We are shocked to learn oppressive authoritarian surveillance state China injects spyware into foreigners' smartphones

Published: 2019-07-02 19:55:52

Popularity: 366

Author: Shaun Nichols

Border cops accused of loading tourists' mobiles up with snoop app in Muslim area Authorities in a tumultuous region of China are ordering tourists and other visitors to install spyware on their smartphones, it is claimed.…


White House mulls just banning strong end-to-end crypto. Plus: More bad stuff in infosec land

Published: 2019-07-01 05:57:06

Popularity: 119

Author: Shaun Nichols

We'll be over there bashing our head on the wall while you read this Roundup  As June turns over to July, here are some additional bits of security news besides our regular infosec coverage.…


July is here – and so are the latest Android security fixes. Plenty of critical updates for all

Published: 2019-07-01 23:20:09

Popularity: 147

Author: Shaun Nichols

Patch, punch, it's the first of the month Google today posted a fresh round of Android security fixes.…


Millions of Windows Dell PCs need patching: Give-me-admin security gremlin found lurking in bundled support tool

Published: 2019-06-20 22:21:53

Popularity: 316

Author: Shaun Nichols

Can't spell SupportAssist without 'ass' and 'u' – other makers may be hit, too Updated  Dell's troubleshooting software SupportAssist, bundled with the US tech titan's home and business computers, has a security flaw that can be exploited by malware and rogue logged-in users to gain administrator powers.…


Iran is doing to our networks what it did to our spy drone, claims Uncle Sam: Now they're bombing our hard drives

Published: 2019-06-24 19:35:43

Popularity: 536

Author: Shaun Nichols

Tehran's hackers are 'wiping' infected machines as tensions spike, fresh sanctions approved Hackers operating on behalf of the Iranian government have turned destructive, the US Department of Homeland Security has claimed.…


What the cell...? Telcos around the world were so severely pwned, they didn't notice the hackers setting up VPN points

Published: 2019-06-25 03:18:05

Popularity: 94

Author: Shaun Nichols

Revealed: Long-running espionage campaign targets phone carriers to snoop on VIPs' location, call records Hackers infiltrated the networks of at least ten cellular telcos around the world, and remained hidden for years, as part of a long-running tightly targeted surveillance operation, The Register has learned. This espionage campaign is still ongoing, it is claimed.…


Spin the wheel and find today's leaky cloud DB... *clack clack... clack* A huge trove of medical malpractice complaints

Published: 2019-06-18 22:58:11

Popularity: 84

Author: Shaun Nichols

150,000 personal records on people, including US veterans, upset with their healthcare In what has become a depressingly common occurrence, the personal information of hundreds of thousands of people may have fallen into the wrong hands because yet another organization did not secure a cloud-hosted database.…


Black Hat USA axes anti-abortion congressman as keynote speaker after outcry – and more news from infosec land

Published: 2019-06-15 07:25:06

Popularity: 120

Author: Shaun Nichols

Your quick guide to hacks, patches and scandal Roundup  Here's a quick roundup of recent infosec news beyond what we've already reported.…


Yubico YubiKey lets you be me: Security blunder sparks recall of govt-friendly auth tokens

Published: 2019-06-13 21:57:06

Popularity: 95

Author: Shaun Nichols

For FIPS sake! Yubico is recalling one of its YubiKey lines after the authentication dongles were found to have a security weakness.…


US border cops confirm: Maker of America's license-plate, driver recognition tech hacked, camera images swiped

Published: 2019-06-10 22:57:33

Popularity: 371

Author: Shaun Nichols

That story we broke in May? It is still true – and perhaps even worse than first thought The US Customs and Border Patrol today said hackers broke into one of its bungling technology subcontractors – and made off with images of people and their vehicle license plates as they passed through America's land border.…


Protip: No, the CIA will not call off a pedophilia probe into your life in exchange for Bitcoin

Published: 2019-06-10 06:08:13

Popularity: 264

Author: Shaun Nichols

Kaspersky warns of fake 'dirty agent' scam circulating Fraudsters are posing as CIA investigators gone rogue in emails to marks, offering to take bribes to drop bogus investigations into the recipients and claims of online pedophilia, according to Kaspersky.…


It's that time again: Android kicks off June's patch parade with fixes for five hijack holes

Published: 2019-06-05 22:31:21

Popularity: 91

Author: Shaun Nichols

Updates are on the way… if you have a Google device, at least Google has released its June bundle of security vulnerability patches for Android, with fixes for 22 CVE-listed flaws included.…


Germany mulls giving end-to-end chat app encryption das boot: Law requiring decrypted plain-text is in the works

Published: 2019-05-28 19:35:19

Popularity: 519

Author: Shaun Nichols

Officials want to upgrade rules from device searching to message interception Government officials in Germany are reportedly mulling a law to force chat app providers to hand over end-to-end encrypted conversations in plain text on demand.…


Cyber-sec biz Fortinet coughs up $545,000 after 'flogging' rebadged Chinese kit to Uncle Sam – but why so low? We may be able to explain

Published: 2019-04-17 01:40:05

Popularity: 71

Author: Shaun Nichols

Rogue employee takes blame, seems he ain't no Fortinet son Fortinet this week agreed to pay the US government $545,000 to settle claims it allowed employees to peddle Chinese-made gear that would eventually end up being illegally supplied to federal agencies.…

