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  • Operation AppleJeus Sequel
  • APT annual review 2021

APT annual review 2021

For this annual review, we have tried to focus on what we consider to be the most interesting trends and developments of the last 12 months.


Operation AppleJeus Sequel

Published: 2020-01-08 10:00:47

Popularity: 282

Author: GReAT


  • APT reports
  • Featured
  • Apple MacOS
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Lazarus
  • Malware Descriptions
  • Phishing websites
  • Targeted Attacks
  • To attack macOS users, the Lazarus group has developed homemade macOS malware, and added an authentication mechanism to deliver the next stage payload very carefully, as well as loading the next-stage payload without touching the disk.

