
Total Articles Found: 3

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  • G7 Comes Out in Favor of Encryption Backdoors
  • Zoom Restricts End-to-End Encryption to Paid Users
  • Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone

Zoom Restricts End-to-End Encryption to Paid Users

Published: 2020-06-04 17:02:34

Popularity: 372

Author: Lindsey O'Donnell


  • Privacy
  • Web Security
  • End to end encryption
  • FBI
  • law enforcement
  • work from home
  • zoom
  • zoom privacy
  • zoom security
  • The end-to-end encryption feature will not be offered to free users, Zoom's CEO said, in case Zoom needed to comply with federal and local law enforcement.


    Cellebrite Claims It Can Unlock Any iPhone

    Published: 2019-06-28 11:35:40

    Popularity: 214

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • Apple
  • cell phones
  • hacking
  • iOS
  • iPhone
  • law enforcement
  • locks
  • LLM Says: ""Cracked Wide Open""

    The digital forensics company Cellebrite now claims it can unlock any iPhone. I dithered before blogging this, not wanting to give the company more publicity. But I decided that everyone who wants to know already knows, and that Apple already knows. It's all of us that need to know....


    G7 Comes Out in Favor of Encryption Backdoors

    Published: 2019-04-23 14:14:10

    Popularity: 495

    Author: Bruce Schneier


  • backdoors
  • encryption
  • G7
  • hacking
  • key escrow
  • keys
  • law enforcement
  • terrorism
  • LLM Says: "Backdoor detected"

    From a G7 meeting of interior ministers in Paris this month, an "outcome document": Encourage Internet companies to establish lawful access solutions for their products and services, including data that is encrypted, for law enforcement and competent authorities to access digital evidence, when it is removed or hosted on IT servers located abroad or encrypted, without imposing any particular technology...

